Automate your
Patient Messaging
Admin Tasks
Patient Charting
Robo Calls
Intuitive Messaging
Patient Status
Primary Provider
Add / Remove tags
Push Notification
SMS Texting
External Emails
Loyalty Program
and much more.....
Build custom workflows & Automations in minutes
Automate the busy work. So you can focus on your job, not your tools. We’ll show you how.

Do what you do best,
FxMedSupport do the rest
Continue to hold a patient container of support through automation.
Automate any admin task from any Cerbo mouse click
Keep your patience, fully engaged, and when your patience start to fall off, use our custom, Automator and patient re-engagement system to get them back on board
With Auto Encounter, and soon to come Auto Encounter Pro with auto chart prep for the engage the Automator system to take back your time with chart prep.
Automate your patient status as they on board with perspective patient active patient, and when your patience fall off from being an active, patient automatically make them inactive
When you need it, we’re here to connect you to all of your third-party applications that are not organically connected to Cerbo. FxMedSupport brings you the one stop for all integrations into Cerbo EHR.
Create your mass communication and use our newsletter system to select when you’re choosing templates get triggered to your desired less
Now take one automation connected to 10 others and you have a chained automation that can trigger if and when your patient meet certain conditions. Use our intuitive messaging system, automated system and connect to your patience to hold their container of support
The Efficiency Meeter
From what if to
Whats next?
No Way!
For real?
It can!
That too
FxMedSupport users automate their way to awesome every day. But don’t take our word for it!
The CRM for your EHR

Customisable ecosystem of services
FX Med Support allows each medical practice to create its own ecosystem with new and existing service integrations. The pricing is custom, with a fixed onboarding
fee and flexible subscription fees.

Cerbo E-Commerce Integration
FX Med Support integrates e-commerce platforms with EMR, allowing providers to sell medical supplies, have more control over the patient journey and retain additional revenues.

Cerbo Application Integrations
FX Med Support API integrates a wide range of digital services with Cerbo EMR interface, automating such tasks as scheduling, prescription management, or communication. The connected app provides a dedicated channel to guide patients through their wellness journey.

Optimization Coaching
Helping medical providers identify and fix inefficiencies and create streamlined workflows through technology and virtualization.
Portal Pro
Portal Elite
* indicates additional charges may incurs
Enterprise Level Integration Options &Practice with more than normal users or Cerbo or Elite Applications,
Practice that have more than 10,000 active patients in the Cerbo system.
Practice that require a special connection into an application and has special needs
Note Many Enterprise Level Integration Options come with additional Setup & Monthly resources fees
* Indicates additional charges may incurs
**Indicates at FxMedSupport discretion
Medical provider’s time is the most valuable asset of the business.

Medical providers shouldn’t be drowning in administrative work
Switching between the roles of a business owner and a healer

Modern Thyroid Clinic
Since starting our collaboration our operational expenses
(cost) are 60% less than when we started working together.
Our current revenue is approaching a 3X in growth with
multiple high level ideas being worked-out to continue this
upward trend.
This is a hybrid practice with 2 providers &
Health Coach. I share this with you so you can see what is
possible. There was no one major fix. It has been a continual
evaluation and reevaluation of processes and workflow;
Application / Platform assessment and modifications,
Leveraging technology when possible and optimizing virtual
support. Their supplement sales are now done in house with
their integrated supplement store and is currently
generating a 36% profit margin. We see realistic growth in
this area to hit $25,000 per month by end of Q4 2020.
How FxMed Support Works
The first step is to schedule a call with an optimization specialist
Schedule a Call
Become Integrated
Enjoy the Features and Add-ons
Our vision is to enable every health and wellness practice regardless of size, to leverage technology to its fullest, achieving high operational efficiency to deliver more connected and personalized care.