Initial Pricing
Portal Basic
$0 Sign-up Fee
Portal Pro
$750 Initial Setup$999 Upgrade Setup
Portal Pro
Portal Elite
$1250 Initial Setup$1500 Upgrade Setup
Portal Elite
* indicates additional charges may incurs
$1999 Initial Setup$2500 Upgrade Setup
Enterprise Level Integration &
Practice with more than normal users on Elite Applications,
Practice that have more than 10,000 active patients in the Cerbo system.
Practice that require a special connection into an application and has special needs
Min perMonth
Depending on Enterprise Services
Depending on Enterprise Services
* indicates additional charges may incurs
Cerbo Integration Types
Custom Development Rates
Resource Fees
Cerbo Integration Types
Custom Development Rates
Custom Development Rates & Project Scoping
At FxMedSupport, we offer custom development solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our approach ensures that each project is executed with precision and designed to enhance your practice’s efficiency. Below are our rates and scoping guidelines for custom development.
Project Scoping:
- Non-Integrated or Basic Integrated Clients: $195 per project
- Integrated Clients (Pro, Elite, or Enterprise): $95 per project
This ensures transparent pricing and clarity for our clients based on their level of integration with FxMedSupport.
Custom Development Rates:
- Standard Rate: $95 per hour
- Discounted Rate: $75 per hour
(Discounted rates are offered at the discretion of FxMedSupport, based on specific project needs or special agreements.)
Special Projects Released to the Cerbo Community:
For projects approved by FxMedSupport for release to the Cerbo Community, clients may qualify for additional discounts based on the nature and scope of the project.
Resource Fees